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Conditions we treat

We provide physiotherapy treatment for any adult presenting with physical problems as a result of a neurological condition. This covers the full range of ages from 18 years to 100+ years and a wide variety of different conditions too; you might be young and recovering from a motorcycle accident, or older and have suffered a stroke.   Your condition may have lead to a difficulty with movement or balance, that in turn can lead to a reduced confidence and loss of independence.  It might have resulted in stiffness in your joints or reduced arm function. 

Click on the link to read more about how speciliast neuro physiotherapy can  help with your condition

 Guillain Barre Syndrome

 Parkinson’s Disease

 Vestibular disorders

Other neurological disorders

When is best to have physio?

We can see and help you at any point along your neurological journey. 

Our treatment may begin at the point of discharge from hospital or from when you are diagnosed. We might be bridging the therapy gap between you leaving hospital and awaiting NHS input at home. Alternatively, our treatments might be months or years down the line.  


Access to neuro physio in conditions such as stroke can lead to changes in function and independence, even years later. In progressive conditions such as MS, neuro therapy can help maximise your potential, increase your confidence and help make changes important to you, it can also reduce secondary complications.

Stroke Rehabilitation Wheelchair transfers

A stroke occurs when the blood-flow to an area of the brain is interrupted. This can be caused by a burst blood vessel or by a clot causing a blockage. The severity of the symptoms depends on the size of the area of the brain affected, and how long the circulation has been interrupted. A stroke often affects one side of the body and, depending on where the damage occurs, a number of symptoms can occur including:

  • Muscle weakness

  • Muscle spasm (spasticity)

  • Decreased sensation 

  • Neglect of one side of the body

  • Difficulties with mobility & other activities

  • Difficulties with balance

  • Problems with speech, swallowing & concentration

  • Pain

  • Fatigue

Damage to the brain cells following stroke is irreparable; however, the brain is adaptable (plastic) and other areas can be trained to take over some of the lost function. The brain is also able to learn and adapt. This is why Neuro specialist physiotherapy treatment is very important following a stroke. Ideally It should commence as soon as possible but therapy can continue to have impact years down the line.  In the weeks and months following a stroke, recovery can be accelerated and optimised by specific hands-on treatment.


A specialist physiotherapist understands these problems and the impact that they can have on your life and your family. Treatment is focused on maximising the return of movement and encouraging as much independence as possible. 


Physio can improve an individual's quality of life by increasing their independence, mobility and ability to perform everyday tasks. Your progress is dependent on many factors, not just  the amount and quality of rehabilitation treatment. It is also important to realise that a stroke is a potentially deteriorating condition and when you lose the ability to move around, your muscles can become tighter and weaker and your joints stiffer and harder to move. We can help to minimise secondary complications.

Our role is not only to treat you physically. We also provide support and encouragement when you are feeling disheartened. We will help to keep you focused on your long-term goals. The road to recovery from a stroke can be a long and challenging journey. We will always have time to answer your questions, and to provide constant reassurance and guidance.

Multiple Sclerosis

MS is a disease that affects nerves in the brain and the spinal cord. It has different forms but people often experience some of the following problems: 

  • Muscle spasms

  • Muscle weakness

  • Difficulties with activities like walking & dressing 

  • Fatigue

  • Pain

  • Reduced balance and risk of falling

Getting specialist advice and treatment from a neurological physiotherapist soon after diagnosis can improve self management and help you maintain abilities over the long term. Treatment often involves guiding good lifestyle choices as well as specific interventions, which help to:

  • Improve muscle power

  • Increase and maintain range of movement

  • Maximise functional potential

  • Manage spasms and spasticity

  • Provide advice and coping strategies for fatigue management

  • Teach relatives and carers stretches, positioning and correct handling techniques

  • Support people to access local leisure facilities

Physio can improve your quality of life by increasing your independence, mobility and ability to perform everyday tasks. Your progress is dependent on many factors, not just  the amount and quality of rehabilitation treatment. It is also important to realise that, as MS is a potentially deteriorating condition, when you lose the ability to move around, your muscles can become tighter and weaker and your joints stiffer and harder to move. We can help to minimise any secondary complications that you might experience.

Brain Injury

Head injuries can have a significant and varied affect. Often there can be problems with arm or leg weakness, stiffness and balance so treatment will often include stretching and strengthening exercises. Improvements in these areas can then be translated into functional benefits like improved walking or the better use of your hand for eating, dressing or driving the car. Treatment ideally should start as soon as possible and can continue to help you meet your maximum potential. A specialist physiotherapist can help you work towards the goals that matter most to you. 

Treatment may work to:

  • Improve balance and walking

  • Increase ability to roll / move in bed / sit / stand

  • Reduce muscle spasms, pain and stiffness

  • Increase strength

  • Retrain normal patterns of movement

  • Increase affected arm and leg function

  • Increase energy levels

  • Increase independence and quality of life

  • Decrease risk of falls

Spinal Cord Injury

These injuries are often traumatic and the spinal cord can be either partially injured or completely severed. This leads to the terms 'incomplete' and 'complete' spinal cord injuries and these result in varying levels of recovery. For incomplete injuries, muscles can continue to recover for long periods of time and a significant amount of function may return. For complete injuries there is an absence of movement and sensation below the level of the injury. Common problems may include:

  • Muscle spasm (spasticity)

  • Altered sensation

  • Muscle weakness

  • Difficulties with mobility and everyday activities

  • Pain

The treatment  you receive will depend on your specific injury. People with complete injuries may need to focus on upper body strengthening, standing frame routines, stretches, transfers or wheelchair skills. If you have an incomplete injury, you may require assistance to maximise the recovery of movement in the areas of the body that have been affected. This may include work on hand function, transfers, balance and walking where possible.

 Guillain Barre Syndrome

Guillain Barre Syndrome (GBS) is a condition that affects the peripheral nervous system. The myelin (protective sheath) of the nerve becomes inflamed causing the nerve signals to become disrupted. This can lead to a number of symptoms, including:

  • Profound muscle weakness

  • Tightness of muscles around joints

  • Breathing difficulties

  • Difficulties with mobility, transfers, bed mobility

The initial level of impairment may be significant with many people needing intensive medical input. Many people with GBS go on to make a full recovery; however, not everyone fully regains their previous level of function. 

Neuro physio can assist you in the natural recovery of Guillian Barre, enhancing your return to fitness and a regaining of your previous abilities, whilst at the same time helping to prevent secondary complications such as reduced range of movement at the joints and abnormal movement patterns. This is achieved through:

  • Individualised stretching and strengthening programmes

  • Balance re-education

  • Assisting with transfer and walking ability

  • Facilitating access to local leisure facilities

  • Education and advice about Guillan Barre syndrome and its symptoms

Parkinson’s Disease

Parkinson's is a progressive neurological condition that leads to disorders of movement causing difficulty with functions such as walking, talking, and writing. It occurs as result of a loss of nerve cells in the part of the brain known as the substantia nigra. These cells are responsible for producing a chemical known as dopamine, which allows messages to be sent to the parts of the brain that co-ordinate movement.

Common symptoms of Parkinson's Disease include:

  • Tremor

  • Slowness of movement

  • Difficulties with initiation of movement

  • ‘Freezing’ when walking

  • Stiffness

  • Reduced mobility

  • Reduced balance and risk of falling

Neuro physio provides an individualised exercise programme, with strategies to cope with your symptoms of Parkinson’s Disease, including:

  • Work on bed mobility and transfer techniques

  • Stretches and strengthening exercises

  • Balance programmes

  • Advice on falls prevention

  • Provision of equipment where appropriate

  • Strategies to help improve walking and initiation of movement

  • Teaching relatives and carers stretches, positioning and correct handling techniques

  • Supporting people to access local leisure facilities

Vestibular Disorders

Benign Paroxysmal Positional Vertigo (BPPV) is a mechanical problem that causes brief, intense spells of whirling dizziness or vertigo. Symptoms are triggered by moving the head into certain positions. If diagnosed and treated correctly, a good to excellent recovery can be made. Other vestibular problems can occur and these cause a different pattern of symptoms. A specialist assessment can lead to an accurate diagnosis of the cause of your specific symptoms. Individually designed rehabilitation exercises may be needed to make the most of your recovery. We can also perform Epley manoeuvres that can ease and sometimes completely eliminate symptoms.


Useful links for further information

Brain injury
Neuro Physio and Neuro rehabilitation impact on all of family and relationships
Neuro rehab car transfers and community access
Neuro Rehab outdoor mobility
HCPC registered Neuro Physio
Chartered Society Of Physiotherapy Registered
Association of Chartered Physiotherapists interested in Neuro therapy

© 2021 by Forward Neuro Physiotherapy

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