FREE - initial 10 min telephone consultation, with no obligation to book.
Call or email to arrange a telephone consultation. This service is provided to help you choose whether physiotherapy is right for your needs. Talk to us directly to find out how we might be able to help you or your relative personally. There is no obligation to book an appointment following the telephone call.
Home visits:
£90 for 90 minute initial assessment
£65 for 60 minute follow up appointment
Pre paid package:
£330 for six 1 hour follow up appointments
Valid for 6 months from date of purchase
The therapist will come to your home and all costs are inclusive of mileage and travel time within a 10 mile radius. After the initial assessment you will be provided with a detailed summary and recommendations.
Cancellation Policy
Please provide 24 hours notice to cancel an appointment. A cancellation fee of £45 may be charged at our discretion if you cancel within this timeframe.
Repeated cancellations will be charged the full amount.
Payment is required in full the day of each treatment session, unless otherwise agreed in advance. We ask for this to be by cash, cheque or BACS as credit cards are not accepted. Please make cheques payable to Dawn Foster.